If This Is Already Goodbye


Just a couple of hours ago, while putting my baby to sleep, I thought I had a heart attack or something. I felt a sudden deep chest discomfort along with a numbness of my left hand and shortness of breath. Fortunately I have near me my eldest daughter who immediately called on my husband. After a while and a glass of water, things got better.

Got lucky again this time around. Not my time yet, indeed!

But you know what was in my head for a couple of minutes there? A slideshow of my daughters’ faces and the times together as a family. ‘Til I said “Oh God, not yet now…for the sake of my little angels.”

Hence, I realised that my time on earth could be over anytime. So If this is good-bye, I wish to tell my daughters my heart’s outpouring which they may read when they’re old enough to understand life’s saying.

Dear Hannah and Sophia,

I love how much you’ve grown over time. Know most especially that Papa and I love you. Immensely actually that sometimes we don’t know what to do. (“,)

The moment each of you came into our lives, it was never the same. It has been beautiful!  Our lives turned upside down but all became meaningful. Having you may not be all easy but everything is worth it. We dreamt of dreams we never had before. You gave us direction.

We’ve made many plans, some grand some small. Yet over time, you taught us — It’s the process not the goal. Living one day at a time, it’s the journey, not the destination that makes happiness.

Though be forewarned. Life will have its ups and downs. You too will have your share of smiles and frowns. You’ll meet people to make or break you; But never put out the flame that’s just within you. For each of us are born unique. True to yourselves you are oblique…to make a difference, just be authentic!

The strength lies in you — Always pray as faith moves mountain…believe me its true. If you don’t believe in miracles, remember that when you came to this world that miracle is you.

However, if sometimes things happen not as you wished for. Remember gifts come at a time best for a season and a reason. With you coming into our lives, we could not ask for more.

We pass this world only once. Remember to make happy memories and save some funds. =)

Take care always my dear. I will always be with you near or far.

In my heart, I have never been the same. I never thought I can have enough love until I became a mother. I know parents out there also feels the same! So, cheers to us all and to all our children!